New Solution File `slnx` Support In Visual Studio ...

A new solution file format for .NET projects is now available in the latest preview version of Visual Studio 2022 17.10.0 Preview 3.

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Sample SPA using AngularJs MVC5/Web API and Google...

Jul 6, 2015

Sample SPA using AngularJs MVC5/Web API a...

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Sample SPA using AngularJs MVC5/Web API and Google Maps

BCSHotels - A Sample C# .NET MVC5 Application

Feb 10, 2015

BCSHotels - A Sample C# .NET MVC5 Applica...

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BCSHotels - A Sample C# .NET MVC5 Application
Eight Exercises for Muscle Growth
Eight Exercises for Muscle Growth

Eight exercises that will help you build muscle

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Test Post Using
Test Post Using is an online editor for Github Repositories

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Flexbox Notes
Flexbox Notes

Bootstrap 4 is released and it uses Flexbox. Time to get up to speed on this useful css module.

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ASP .NET Core i18n notes
ASP .NET Core i18n notes

Notes on internationalization in ASP .NET Core applications

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GNU Make is an automation tool for compiling and building applications and is part of the GNU Toolchain.

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Selection Sort
Selection Sort

Implementation and application of Selection Sort in PHP

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Flow is a static type checker for your JavaScript code.

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Docker Notes
Docker Notes

Docker Notes

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Various Notes
Various Notes

Various Notes

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