Running Jekyll Github Pages on Cloud9

Running Jekyll Github Pages on Cloud9

Running Jekyll Github Pages on Cloud9 Dec 24, 2015

Develop and run your Jekyll Github Pages on Cloud9

Create a new workspace

Create a new workspace using either a custom template or the ruby template.

If you choose the Ruby template you need to delete the default rails project in the workspace directory or delete the directory.

A workspace folder will be recreated with a hidden .c9 folder.

Git is configured to ignore this folder.

Install Jekyll and Github Pages

gem install jekyll github-pages

Initial Git Repository on Workspace Folder

Initial a git repository in the workspace folder.

git init

Add your github pages repository as remote.

git remote add origin <your repository>

Pull from the remote.

git pull origin master

Run the Jekyll Server

jekyll serve --host $IP --port $PORT

$IP and $PORT provide the environment’s host ip and port.
